2 Quotes & Sayings By Amelia Josephine Burr

Amelia Josephine Burr was born in 1786 in London, England. She had an exceptional academic career, graduating first in her class at St. Mary's School (later St. Mary's College) Read more

She was admitted to Oxford University at the age of 16, where she studied mathematics and astronomy under Sir William Rowan Hamilton. She received her B.A. degree in 1809, followed by an M.A.

degree in 1812. Her early mathematical work on descriptive geometry is regarded as significant for its time; she elucidated the theory of conic sections and demonstrated that lines parallel to the negative x axis are tangent to the same circle at every point on its circumference, a result that was later proven by Sir William Rowan Hamilton. Burr's thesis on conic sections was published in 1821 under the title "Conic Sections, or Equations for the Curve of Symmetry".

It is considered one of the earliest expositions of modern calculus and integral calculus in Britain.